Add the filename which should be ignored to the .gitignore file.
However, the files’ names will also be exposed in the .gitignore file. Therefore, if we want to ignore the files, we should add the file name(or the pathname) to the .git/info/exclude file.
Normal develop
If you want to upload some codes to Github, you need to create a repository on Github before you use the git commands below.
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# Simplist git upload flow git init echo"Something" >> git add git commit -m "something" git remote add origin [ssh@your.repo] git branch -M main # -M specifies the branch is a main branch git push -u origin main # -u makes the after git push no need to specify the specific remote address
# View the git log git log
# View the git status git status
Open Source software developing flow
Git Flow
git branch
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# Checkout all of the branches git branch
# Delte a branch git branch -d [branch_name]
# Switching the current branch git checkout [branch_name]
# Create a new branch and Switch to it git checkout -b [branch_name]
git commit
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# Add a commit about this changing git commit "[something]" # Edit the added commit contents but hasn't pushed to the remote git commit --amend
git rebase
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# Rebase the current branch to the other branch's lastest version git rebase [branch_name]
# If there's a conflict when you're branching, continue the operation(you should solve the conflict first) git rebase --continue
git merge
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# Merge another branch's lastest version to the current branch git merge [branch_name]
# combine all of the commits to one commit, and merge it to the current branch git merge --squash [branch_name]
git revert
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# Revert a single operation by commit_id git revert [commit_id]
git reset
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# Reset your local git to a history point git reset [file]|[history point] git reset --soft [file]|[history point] git reset --mixed [file]|[history point] # Defalut git reset --hard [file]|[history point]
# Reset the local git to the previous version, every ^ means a previous version git reset HEAD^ git reset HEAD~1
git tag
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# View all of the tags git tag -n
# Use git log --decorate to confirm the tag's belonging git log --decorate
# Create a tag to a commit at your local git git tag [tag_name]
# Create a tag containing the content git tag -am [content] [tag_name]
# Push the tags git push origin --tags # Push all of the tags git push origin tag [tag_name] # Push a certain tag
git restore
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# Recover a file but not adding to the stage git restore [file_name] # or we can use "git checkout [file_name]"
# Revoke the file adding from the stage git restore --stage [file_name]
git cherry-pick
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# Merge another branch's certain commit to the current branch git cherry-pick [commit_id]|[branch_name]
The difference between merge/rebase/squash
The common merge could lead to the situation
If we use different parameters rather than the common one.
--squash could combine all of the commits to be a single one, which makes the git timeline looks better.
Use the rebase as possible as we can(except the public branch)
Though the merge is more convenient to use, however, if we always use squash to merge the branches, the author of the main branch will be full of the name of the maintenance personnel
merge should be used at the main branch, and rebase should be used at the feature branch
The difference between revert/reset
The public branch can not tolerate the “Rollback” thing, therefore the public branch mustn’t use the reset command. We can use the revert instead of it.
revert will add a new commit when we use it to revoke an operation.
When we use the reset command to roll back to the previous git point, it is necessary to use the push -f to force push our local git to the remote side.
The remote git side can not tolerate any differences between the remote and the local git, so whether we use the reset or the rebase command, we should push -f.
GIT:A boon for open-source developers who need to collaborate on code.